A downloadable game

a prototype of my first "real" game, i hope you enjoy. i started this in 2020 and here's a working prototype/alpha whatever, made with Godot and it should have gamepad compatibility as well (tested with PS4 and Xbox controller) . it's like a souls-like sekiro-like game about exploring ruins and fighting a resurrecting technocracy of cyborg-templars. inspired by Psygnosis games, Exile for Amiga, caves of qud, Nausicaa, and Androidart's pixel art.

attack by holding click/RB and release quickly for jab, and hold for slash and combos

release after charge then tap attack again after first attack for double slash

release after full charge + right mouse/LB then tap attack again for spin slash thingy

hold right mouse/LB to block. you can parry certain enemies who carry lighter weapons if you time your block just right.

charging attack too long: stagger

grapple is shift on keyboard, one of the triggers on gamepad

X to use item on keyboard , i forgot the use item keybind on gamepad but it should be there... maybe left or right trigger

one of the triggers uses the grapple once you find it

C to pickup/throw item, talk/interacting/purchase item at shop

H/D-pad down to heal 

crouch+space(on keyboard+mouse)/crouch+jump(on gamepad) while holding still to enter crawl

hold F/square/X to open inventory, place held item in inventory with cursor and click/attack button (use DPAD on gamepad to move cursor)

space/circle/B to roll

1/3 & D-pad to change between shortsword and dagger

while not holding item : hold X or one of the triggers on gamepad to draw bow. you can also shoot fire arrows and set things on fire.

other tips: 

-keycards unlock doors, shiny doors can be blown up with grenades

-beware of Traps.

-give a frog to an imp and they will become your friend

-some items such as necklace and neckring add buffs when in inventory

-dont hold a grenade too long after pulling the pin..

-certain enemies will attack each other, can be used to your advantage

-in the ruins to the right there is a very difficult rat boss

-gunshots will enrage nearby insects

-you can get an energy shield that recharges after a few seconds

-you can get a grappling hook from Osiris if you do his quest

-there is a shop near the landing site

-the main boss is at the top of the tower in the middle of the map near the chasm, the plan was to add a second form like dark samus/metroid prime :3 (the ninja enemies are quite fast ! be careful)

-i know theres plenty of bugs so feel free to report anything or give any sort of criticism

added recently:

-you must now have the Blessed Blue Candle in your hand in order to shoot fire arrows.


-add another character, other weapons to find, finish other areas.

-fix bugs

-generally make it more professional looking and improved.

-add the rest of the soundtrack into the game 

-add working save feature (load doesnt work in menu atm)

-add allies accumulation/summoning

-clairvaux phase II+other bosses and enemies

-make available on other platforms :D

-fix the issue of player being hit by their own arrows when you shoot up (should be fixed now)



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